Scrapbook, 1940-1942, of newspaper clippings and several photographs re efforts by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) to extend county library service statewide; clippings, essays, and and photographs document improvement of libraries, book mobiles, and collection development in several upstate counties; includes photographs of a library at Seneca; and four photographs from Union County: "the WPA Circulating Book Truck," image of four young people (one of whom holds books) poling a johnboat across a creek, and interior and exterior images of the Monarch Hill School Library in Union County. Places represented include libraries in Anderson County, which includes typescript of newspaper feature, "Modern Library Movement had Start at Pendleton," re history of a county-wide circulating repository founded in 1808 (in Anderson Mail, 18 Sept. 1941), details of establishment and selection of books for a library in Anderson, and text of interview broadcast over radio station WAIM, 8 Aug. 1940, sponsored by the Anderson County Council of Farm Women; Cherokee County: with clippings re authorization of a bill to fund a county library; Newberry County: re news of the library remaining open late for soldiers on Saturday and Sunday nights (Newberry Observer, 30 Sept. 1941), and list of new acquisitions and popular titles; Oconee County: new acquisitions; Pickens County, with an essay re the segregated library for African Americans established in 1936, "Pickens County Negro Library," (Pickens Sentinel, 22 Jan. 1942), written by Velma V. Watters, a teacher at a Jeanne's school; Saluda County; clipping with image of patrons visiting the bookmobile in Union County; and Spartanburg County, re solicitiing donations of books for soldiers at Camp Croft.